I don't usually talk politics, but here it goes.....
First let me say that yes, today is a historic moment in history and will always be remembered as such.
Second....and here's where I actually get on my soap box....I voted for McCain, but I'm so tired of everyone complaining about Barack Obama. We as a free society voted on November 4th to choose the next President of the United States. Yes, I will say that the media has given him so much hype and basically turned him into a celebrity, but the majority of voters decided he should be our next president. Some may have voted based on him as an individual and the promises he made. They may have voted based on the media hype, or many different reasons for that matter. The bottom line is they voted. If you voted, your vote was counted. Your voice was heard. If you didn't vote, you definitely need to stop complaining. He was elected president and now the country needs to move on. Whether you support him is totally up to you. I certainly don't want him to fail though. If he fails then the country fails and goes into more of a decline than it is now. If he does something that is for the good of this country and her people then of course I'll support him. If he doesn't something that isn't in our country's best interest, I will voice my opposition as a citizen of this great country.
My main point is stop belly aching, and whining over things that have been decided and cannot change. Look forward to the future and stop dwelling on the past. Wait and see what happens. Don't base your emotions on past events, base them on what he does going forward.
I'm certainly not thrilled that he was elected, however I'm not going to waste my energy being critical, making jokes, name calling, etc......We should all hope he succeeds for the sake of our country.
6 days ago