Saturday, May 24, 2008

Vacation is almost over :(

My vacation is coming to an end and I will be leaving to go back home tomorrow :( I've had so much fun visiting my Mom here in Kentucky and have been able to do soooo many things this week.

Sunday we drove to St. Louis. We went to the top of the Gateway Arch. I'm not usually afraid of heights, but going to the top freaked me out lol. Getting to the top was like being on a bad fair ride and then being up in that tight space with all those people was just too much. I did get some great pictures from the top though. Anything for the shot lol. After the arch experience we went to a St Louis Cardinals baseball game. We had purchased the tickets before we left and were thinking that we would just have regular seats. When we got to the game we were looking for our section (316) and realized we had bought tickets for the party room. Free food, free beer, access to the rocked!

Sunday night we drove to Chicago. We stayed the night in Chicago and drove into the city the next morning. Chicago has the most crappiest expressway system I have ever seen. There are tolls upon tolls and it's obvious that none of that money is going to repair the interstate. So we got into the city and found the parking garage for the Sears Tower. It said $6 for the first 20 minutes, so we called to find out the extended rates. Let's just put it this way, we ended up paying $31 to park for not even 3 hours. Getting to the top of the Sears Tower was really cool. I didn't freak out up there. I have sooooo many pictures. It was fabulous. After the tower we were going to go to Gino's and then the John Hancock observatory. The parking situation put a damper on the Chicago trip and we ended up only walking around the immediate area. We just couldn't afford to park in the different lots at the rates they wanted and it's just to big to walk. Over all though, I'm glad we went and we had a good time despite it being a rip off. We were told that the city of Chicago allows the parking garages to charge astronomical fees because they are trying to discourage driving in the city. Whatever.

Wednesday.....We went to the opening of Black Widow Customs here in Louisville. It is owned by Victoria (the wrestler). This was an experience. We got to meet her and several other wrestlers. Got some fabulous pictures here too.

Today we're going to Abbey Road on the River. It's here in Kentucky every year and I haven't been able to go until now. Lots of Beatle impersonators and cover bands. This is definitely my cup of tea!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

Friday, May 2, 2008

My hubby rocks!

My husband is the best! Wednesday night at dinner he said he was thinking about going to Kentucky to see my Mom on our vacation. He wanted to know if we go could we go to St Louis and Chicago. Either one is about a 5 hour drive from Louisville. There was absolutely nothing for me to think about. Of course I want to go. 1. I get to see my Mom!!! 2. I may finally get to the top of the Gateway Arch (wasn't able to the last time I went) 3. I've never been to Chicago! I'm so excited about going to the top of the Sears Tower!!! I'm definitely not afraid of heights as long as it's a safe structure lol. We'll be leaving on the 17th and will be gone through the 26th. Lots of time to spend with my Mum!

So there you have it....that is why my husband is the best!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

My obsession with the Main St Bridge

Well I did it. I walked across the Main Street Bridge. It was the coolest thing. My obsession with that bridge borders on weird. Can't help it, I just love it. Got some pretty good least I think so. It was a fabulous day and afterward I just kind of hung out near the friendship fountain for awhile and just enjoyed the sun, sites and sounds. Check out or for more pictures.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Things change

Nothing stays the same. Everything changes and I'm tired of sitting still and always doing the same old stuff. Always going the same places. I always wait until someone else is ready or available to do something. I never take it upon myself to just go and do what I want to do. I've been doing things by myself for the last week and it's not such a bad thing. So I choose to be independent and do my own thing. Those who really want my company will seek me out.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

What's this alone time everyone is talking about?

It appears that I shall be spending the weekend by myself. Whatever. I can handle it. I will use this as an excuse to be totally self-absorbed without having to worry about anyone else. Photography doesn't always need to be a group effort anyway. I will use this as a chance to really focus and develop my skills.

Now that I have all this time to myself....what ever will I do. There are so many choices. I suppose I could take that walk across the Main Street Bridge, or I could just up and go some place totally new. The possibilities are endless. Either way I know I will end up with some fabulous pictures in the end.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

You've gotta spend money to make money

So I as talking to the hubby last night about how much I want to make a go at photography. I was telling him that to make money, I need to be able to spend some money. Lenses, filters, flashes, memory, etc (I have a wish list a mile long)..... I mean we're far from being loaded and don't have the money to spend to purchase all these things at once. So he says, "well put back a certain amount per month in savings to go towards photography." As it accumulates I'll buy the things I need.

My first purchase is definitely going to be a flash. Not sure if I'm going to get the SB-600 or the SB-800. Not sure if I need the bells and whistles of the SB-800 yet, so I'll probably go with the first one. Then the next thing will be the 50mm 1.8. Everyone in the Nikon D80 Flickr group is raving about how great the lens is at such an inexspensive price.

To blog or not to blog

Just posing a question that continues to nag at me....feel free comment or not. For the record this is not directed towards anyone in particular, just a generalization.

What is the point of a blog if you cannot express your feelings? To me a blog is an outlet. It is an outlet for creativity, expression and communication. If one cannot honestly express themselves for fear of offending someone then what is the point? Which is the better way? Post the blog and risk offending someone, censor myself by making the blog private, or should those reading need to understand that that which they find offensive is easily cured by the "x" in the upper right hand corner of their screen?
Just a thought......

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Finding the Matthew's Bridge

Friday evening my friend and I set out to find a place to photograph the Matthew's Bridge. We somehow ended up at Jones College but didn't want to get in trouble for being on the property. We kept driving around and low and behold there's the Arlington boat ramp. My next mission is to photograph the Hart Bridge. It is absolute beautiful and so under photographed. I have a pretty good idea where to go. It will be a challenge but I'm up for it.

If you have myspace.....check me out at or if you prefer Flickr.....