Just posing a question that continues to nag at me....feel free comment or not. For the record this is not directed towards anyone in particular, just a generalization.
What is the point of a blog if you cannot express your feelings? To me a blog is an outlet. It is an outlet for creativity, expression and communication. If one cannot honestly express themselves for fear of offending someone then what is the point? Which is the better way? Post the blog and risk offending someone, censor myself by making the blog private, or should those reading need to understand that that which they find offensive is easily cured by the "x" in the upper right hand corner of their screen?
Just a thought......
You should never worry about offending someone if you're running a personal blog. THEY'RE PERSONSAL! However, note that if you start to use foul language you will alienate people who read blogs at work. Your site could be banned by WebMarshal or some other work related content filter used at many work places.
In my personal blog I do let it get personal. I am able to use it as a soap box or a venting place. That's what it's for.
Great picture of the bridge.
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